Corporate Wellness Programmes reduce Sickness Absence.
Read MoreCorporate Wellness Programmes improve Employee Satisfaction.
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The greatest Medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.
Hippocrates (460BC – 370BC)
A HEALTHY workplace is a HAPPY workplace !
Long gone are the days where employees’ wellbeing was merely the result of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Despite employers having recently embraced initiatives to preserve and improve wellness and wellbeing in the workplace, there is still a need for proactive interventions to deliver benefits for both the Employee and the Employer.
Stress related psychosomatic manifestations are too often seen at work, whilst the rise of chronic but preventable diseases, inexorably continues.
And this is where we can help!
Wellness programs in the UK have been shown to significantly reduce Sickness Absence and Staff Turnover, whilst also significantly increasing Employee Satisfaction (GOV.UK, 2013).
Contact us today to find out more
Benefits attributed to Wellness Programmes in the UK(*)
Sickness Absence (-45%)
Staff Turnover (-18%)
Accidents & Injuries (-16%)
Resource Allocation (-9%)
Claims (-7%)
Employee Satisfaction (+14%)
Company Profile (+8%)
Productivity (+8%)
Health & Welfare (+8%)
Competitiveness & Profitability (+4%)
(*) Based on 55 case studies – PwC Research
“Workplace Wellness makes Commercial Sense”
PriceWaterhouseCoppers (PwC)
Health Work Wellbeing Executive of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
118.6 million days
have been lost to sickness in the UK in 2020. This is less than 2017 and 2018 figures, despite the Covid pandemic, but it remains a high number!
Office of National Statistics (2020)
26.1 million days
have been lost in the UK in 2020 due to minor illnesses including:
Cold, Flu, Nausea, Sickness, and Diarrhoea.
Office of National Statistics (2020)
23.5 million days
have been lost to sickness in the UK in 2020 due to illnesses including:
Infectious Disease, Skin Disorders, and Diabetes.
Office of National Statistics (2020)
15.9 million days
have been lost in the UK in 2020 due to mental health conditions. These conditions include:
Stress, Depression, and Anxiety.
Office of National Statistics (2020)
Contact us today to find out more
And let’s work together to consider the opportunities to enhance corporate wellness.